1. B2B companies don’t need large budgets to make an impact online — Because the Internet has leveled the playing field, companies don’t need boatloads of money to reach customers. Companies can disseminate white papers, free reports, Webinars, e-books, articles and all sorts of other information and tools — efficiently and cost-effectively via the Internet.

2. B2B companies now have real data they can use — In the old days, companies relied on business reply cards (BRCs) and other hazy data to determine response rates for things like direct mail and print ads. And, because direct mail campaigns were often small (as compared to B2C campaigns), A/B split tests or running new letters against controls were rarely used.

Now companies can use Web analytics to determine campaign response rates. Howard gives the example of GoDaddy and its Super Bowl ads.

According to Howard, the company received tons of searches after its provocative ad ran, “but every year after that, the frequency of the search term ‘Godaddy.com’ declined. [This] provides valuable insight into whether buying a 30-second spot during the Super Bowl is useful anymore.” (Amen.) ( J Howard, Google )


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